Dreamweaver setup to access your website using the ACES maintenance interface.



  1. Launch Adode Dreamweaver (CS3 was used for these instructions, but previous versions are similar).
  2. Click on “Site” in the top bar and select “Manage Sites” from the drop-down menu.
  3. To establish a new connection, select “New” and select “Site” from the dialog box.  If you are changing connection information on an existing site, click on “Edit”
  4. Make sure that you are on the advanced tab, and enter information for your site in the “local info” category as shown below (substituting you site’s real information)



5.  Once that is complete, click on “remote info” category and enter your site’s information as shown below (substituting you site’s real information)



You will need to set up the screen as shown in the example above.

ü      select Access: FTP

ü      Enter the FTP host: site-maint.aces.uiuc.edu  (this will be your gateway to all sites within ITCS hosting, and will be the same whether you maintain 1 or 20 sites)

ü      Enter the host directory.  The path for your site(s) will always be “/home/(Domain)/(netid).websites/FQDN/public/html”.  If you are unsure on your domain or netid please send an email to webadmins@aces.uiuc.edu and we can send you the path to enter here. The FQDN is the fully qualified domain name, such as coolsite.aces.uiuc.edu if yours is a 4 stanza address or coolsite.uiuc.edu for a 3 stanza address – the “www” is an alias tied to your FQDN or coolsite.org for a 2 stanza address again (the “www” is an alias tied to your FQDN ). 
REMEMBER: case is imperative since all sites are based on a Linux backend and Linux is case sensitive. I have used FQDN in the text, but in reality it is all lower case as shown in the example above. Remembering this will save a lot of grief.

ü      In the login field put you domain\netid as the username

ü      Place a check in the “Use secure FTP (SFTP)” box.

ü      You can check “save” for Dreamweaver to remember your password if you so desire.

ü      Put in your password and click on the “test” button and you should get the following:


If not, contact systems administrators at webadmin@aces.uiuc.edu; otherwise you are ready to work on and maintain your web site.  Repeat the process for each site you maintain with dreamweaver.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please don’t forget that development sites are available and constitute a separate site which will need its own connection in dreamweaver.  Generally your development site is available as <coolsite>.dev.aces.uiuc.edu or dev.<coolsite>.uiuc.edu, or some variant thereof.  Please contact webadmin@aces.uiuc.edu and we will craft this to your needs.